Big Blue is a production company fully focused on (high-end) drama series. Based in Amsterdam and founded by producer Fleur Winters, Big Blue aims to work with talented writers and directors to create urgent, ambitious, original, and entertaining series in various genres that appeal to a broad national and international audience.

THE CRASH, a five-part pollical thriller and first Big Blue original, was released end of 2022 and won the Golden Calf (Dutch Oscar) for best drama series in the Netherlands and received stellar ratings for all five episodes. The Crash was sold to over 10 countries by distributor Studiocanal and was nominated for a C21 International Drama Award for best non-English language series . Big Blue’s recent coproductions include SOIL (Vier, ZDF, Netflix), DOME 16 (NRK, BNNVARA / NPO, winner Rose d’Or 2023) and ARCADIA (VRT, NPO, WDR).

Currently European comedy series THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT (BNNVARA/VRT/ZDFNeo) and drama series DON’T FALL, DANCE (KRONCRV/ZDFNeo) are in production and will be released in 2024 and 2025. Big Blue has a slate of several national and international projects, including projects with Academy Award winning author John Irving, writer Michael Leendertse, director Valerie Bisscheroux and Spanish writer and director Swel Carzola-Noury.


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